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The risks of CDM projects: how did only 30% of expected credits come through?
By Alain CORMIER and Valentin BELLASSEN The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), launched in 2001, has attracted more than 7 000 projects. Many however, did not fully deliver the emissions reductions promised in their project design documents: out of 1.8 billion of expected Certified Emissions Reductions (CER) by April 1st, 2011, only 576 million had been […] -
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Estimation de l’équilibre offre-demande de crédits Kyoto (CER et ERU) d’ici 2020
Par Anaïs DELBOSC, Nicolas STEPHAN, Valentin BELLASSEN, Alain CORMIER et Benoît LEGUET Cette note a pour objectif d’estimer l’offre et la demande potentielle de crédits carbone de type Kyoto (CER et ERU) d’ici 2020. Deux périodes ont été distinguées : 2008-2012, première période d’engagement du protocole de Kyoto et 2013-2020, phase d’application du paquet énergie-climat […]