
ES – Methodologies for tracking domestic climate investment & financial flows

24 July 2017

In 2015 AFD and I4CE came together to bring its expertise on “climate” finance topics.

The workshop “Intercambio de experiencias sobre fuentes de financiamiento climático” (July 2017) was co-organized with the local AFD agency of Bogotá. This workshop was an opportunity for I4CE to make an in-depth presentation of its methodology for monitoring climate finance as applied to the French case by the team. Following a presentation of the approach, the workshop provided a detailed overview of the methodological choices and calculation methods applied to a series of case studies in the transport, construction and energy production sectors. The discussion then turned to methods and their usefulness and feasibility based on sources of information. These alternatives have been analyzed according to the approach that consultants are applying for the Colombian case.


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