Local authorities

Local authorities are at the forefront of investing in everyday transport, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the retrofitting of public buildings for example. According to the latest I4CE estimates, local authorities must double their climate investments, but will they have the means to do so? Much uncertainty exists, and the State and local authorities are in disagreement over their sharing of the investment effort and the contract management tools they use.


To enable them to address this challenge objectively, on the basis of a shared assessment, I4CE quantifies the climate expenditure needs of local authorities and analyses possible financing methods. The Institute is also developing tools for steering transition financing, tools that are made freely available to local authorities to help them assess their current and future climate expenditure, such as its climate budget assessment framework for local authorities.  

Local authorities


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Local authorities


Marion FETET
Marion FETET
Research Fellow – Local authorities, Public Finance, Green Budgeting Email
Aurore COLIN
Aurore COLIN
Research Fellow – Local authorities, Transport infrastructure Email
Programme director - Local authorities and Adaptation to climate change Email

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