City Climate Finance Training

8 May 2017

Strengthen the capacity of local decision-makers to tackle climate change

«City Climate Finance Training » is a training program targeting local and regional political and technical representatives from developing and emerging countries.


4 key objectives :


  • Raise awareness on climate change
  • Explain the major stakes of climate finance,
  • Present the existing funding strategies and tools,
  • Show how to respond to investors’ intervention requirements.


It provides the needed tools to create an enabling environment for funding the fight against climate change and the transition to a carbon-free economy.


A program at the heart of international issues on local climate action

This program is consistent with the international policy agenda of 2016 by targeting the local and regional governments of Morocco and Tunisia, with sessions held in Morocco which will host the COP22 at the end of the year.


It fits itself in the ongoing decentralization reform process in the two countries where local and regional governments are emerging as major players in local development, while facing significant constraints in terms of technical and financial resources to carry out their projects.


Moreover, this program meets the fifth recommendation of the report on the state of climate finance for cities, published by the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA), which suggests strengthening the capacity of cities to their help finance urban climate programs.


Recognized experts solicited by I4CE and FMDV

Both institutions will call upon other experts in climate finance, businesses, and donors, representatives of local and foreign researchers who will be involved with them.


A three-step formation


    1. An outreach conference on the impacts of climate change for local and regional governments in the targeted region with a highlight on the implementation of inspiring practices and solutions developed in other territories in Africa and Europe;
    2. A two-day capacity building workshop for local actors in the buildup of viable projects (economic, social and environmental sustainability, selection of offers, etc.), development of funding strategies and identification of available resources (donors, private partners, etc.);
    3. A sharing forum “match&market making” to foster dialogue between different stakeholders (local elected officials, technical and financial partners, investors) who will present on one side resilient projects by local governments and on the other side technical and financial solutions offered by partners. This exchange will seek to create opportunities for action in the territories, facilitate understanding and the meeting between the players and accelerate the implementation of resilient projects.


The program is based on a field approach that illustrates, through example and experience, theoretical concepts available to cities to enable them to effectively fight against climate change.


Become a partner

The program is mainly funded by the Climate-KIC which is one of the three “Knowledge and Innovation Communities” created in 2010 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Its mission is to promote sustainable economic growth through the fight against climate change.


We are looking for partners who would like to get involved with us through contributions of various natures, funding, expertise, and support for promotion or logistics. (By joining existing events).

May 2017 - December 2017
I4CE Contacts
Morgane NICOL
Morgane NICOL
Local authorities Programme director – Local authorities, Adaptation, Public finance Email