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Research Fellow – EU Climate Investments 

Clara joined I4CE in 2020 to combine her specialisation in finance with climate change issues.


Clara works as a project manager in the EU Programme. Her research focuses in particular in assessing and analysing climate investments and climate investment needs at EU level. Clara has also worked on the integration of climate change issues into prudential regulation and supervision of banks at EU level, and on the integration of climate-related risks in financial risks analyses for financial institutions.


Previously, Clara worked as a financial analyst at PwC, where she contributed to the valuation of financial assets and to the modelling of transactional business plans. Clara also worked at Natixis as a financial analyst. 


Clara graduated from Audencia Business School with a master degree in Finance.

Last contributions
  • 02/07/2024 Climate Report

    State of EU progress to climate neutrality

    Assessing the state of progress to inform next steps in policy-making. The European Union (EU) is on its journey to become climate neutral by 2050. This multigenerational project holds many societal, economic, and environmental opportunities. At the same time, it is of unprecedented scale and implies considerable changes to the current systems, which need to be anticipated and addressed for the transition to be fair and acceptable to all. Regular progress checking is the key to understanding where the EU stands on the journey. It allows to identify challenges and opportunities and take targeted policy action guiding investment, supply, consumption, and societal development. There is still no official, comprehensive, and regular EU-wide progress monitoring to achieve this. This second ECNO progress check aims to close the current information gap. It provides a comprehensive view on the state of EU progress towards climate neutrality and identifies key areas of action for the next policy cycle.
  • 07/06/2024 Foreword of the week

    EU election time: climate policy and finance challenges under scrutiny

    This weekend, citizens across the EU head to the polls. Many expect a swing to the right, in stark contrast to the “green wave” of 2019. In Brussels, leaders are looking ahead to a five-year mandate dominated by questions of security and competitiveness.  In these turbulent times, what is the future of Europe’s flagship climate package, the Green Deal? The Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package gave us the regulatory framework – but implementation requires investment. I4CE's flagship EU Climate Investment Deficit report shows that climate spending must double to make the 2030 target achievable.
  • 21/02/2024 Climate Report

    European Climate Investment Deficit report: an investment pathway for Europe’s future

    Climate investments in the EU economy grew by 9% in 2022. This report finds that the European Green Deal is gaining economic momentum but investments in modernising energy, transport, and buildings must still double for the EU to hit 2030 climate targets.
  • 01/12/2023 Special issues

    Climate change and residential real estate: what are the risks for the banking sector?

    Residential real estate in France is a key target for transition policies, and a the sector is highly exposed to climate risks. With While housing home loans accounting for almost 85% of outstanding household loans in France, it is legitimate to ask how climate risks are passed on from the real estate sector to banks. This article, written with the Banque de France, explores investigates the exposure of residential real estate to present and future climate risks - present and future - and as well as their transmission to bank the lending activities of the banking sector.
  • 30/03/2023 Climate Report

    Climate stress tests: what co-benefits can we expect for transition financing

    Since their introduction, climate stress tests have taken a lot of space in the public debate. Put in the spotlight by supervisors and the NGFS, their primary objective is to encourage banks to integrate climate-related risks into their activities and to carry out an initial assessment of the banks' capacity to deal with these risks.
  • 26/04/2022 Climate Report

    Include mandatory banking transition plans within Pillar 2

    The transition plans aim to establish a progressive decarbonisation strategy by 2050, in line with the European Union’s objectives. The European Central Bank, through Frank Elderson, as well as several NGOs are calling for transition plans to be made mandatory for banks and to be integrated into prudential regulation. This note first looks at why […]
  • 14/02/2022 Blog post

    Finance: I4CE’s recommendations to the Basel Committee

    The Basel Committee is finally taking up climate issues! Founded in 1974, this forum which brings together the financial supervisors of the G20 countries and which provides the main guidelines for guaranteeing financial stability has been absent from climate issues since Donald Trump's mandate. It recently published a first consultative document on the principles of climate risk management and supervision. Julie Evain presents the recommendations addressed by I4CE to the Basel Committee.
  • 16/07/2021 Climate Report

    Climate stress tests: The integration of transition risk drivers at a sectoral level

    Since 2018, and under the initiative of the NGFS, the network of central banks and supervisors for greening the financial system, several central banks and supervisors have begun to conduct their first climate stress test exercises to determine the vulnerability of financial institutions to climate-related risks. In order to help central banks to carry out this type of exercise, the NGFS published in 2020, its first guide to climate scenarios analysis that can be used in climate stress tests.

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