
Tailoring carbon taxes to emerging countries’ circumstances

14 October 2016 - Foreword of the week

Manasvini Vaidyula, Marion Afriat & Lara Dahan from I4CE’s Industry Energy and Climate team have recently published blog post on the Ideas for Development blog coordinated by Agence Francaise de Développement.


As emerging economies continue to experience rapid growth, their decarbonisation strategies will play a crucial role in realising the Paris Agreement. In the global pursuit of the most suitable low-carbon policies, one policy in particular is gaining wider acceptance in emerging and developing countries, namely putting a price on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Carbon taxes can play an important role within a holistic set of climate policies to enable the low-carbon transition in emerging economies.

The article aims to share evidence on the implementation of carbon pricing instruments by emerging economies, highlighting that policies that put a price on carbon can be designed and tailored to meet the national circumstances of the developing world.

To read the full article click on the following link which will connect you to Tailoring carbon taxes to emerging countries’ circumstances

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