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Research Fellow – Development finance

Permanent contract (CDI)

Context of the role:

The Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) is a Paris-based think tank with expertise in economics and finance with the mission to support action against climate change.


Through its applied research, the Institute contributes to the debate on climate-related policies in France, in Europe and at the international level. It publishes research to help financial institutions, businesses and territories mainstream climate issues into their activities and operations and ultimately contribute to the fight against climate change.


I4CE is a registered non-profit organisation, founded by the French national promotional public bank Caisse des Dépôts and the French Development Agency (AFD).


For more information on I4CE’s activities, please see our 2023 annual report.


I4CE & Public Financial Institutions:


Following the Paris Agreement and its call to ensure the compatibility of financial flows with a low-greenhouse gas climate-resilient development pathway, there has been a strong incentive for public financial institutions to transform themselves. NGOs and public authorities are requesting them to urgently align their activities with a global warming scenario of 1.5°C or well below 2°C, and to be more transparent about the climate-related risks they face and the impact of their activities on climate and the environment.


I4CE provides analyses and fosters dialogue on how financial institutions can mainstream climate change issues into their activities. Over the past few years, I4CE has been among the leading think tanks on climate mainstreaming and Paris alignment in public financial institutions and development banks, as well as private financial institutions.


The Research Fellow will join I4CE’s development finance team, which primarily supports public development banks to align their activities with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and maximise their impact on the transition in the context of developing countries.


I4CE houses the Secretariat of ‘Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions’ (the Initiative).


In 2016, given its expertise on the subject of mainstreaming climate in the operations of financial institutions, I4CE was appointed Secretariat of Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions.


In line with international commitments to address the urgency of climate change, the Initiative provides a safe space for dialogue between public and private financial institutions who wish to:

  • better address and manage climate-related risks and opportunities,
  • ensure that climate considerations are disseminated within their organisations,
  • align financial flows with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Today, the Initiative brings together 54 public and private financial institutions who are working to integrate climate change considerations across their operations.


Role and responsibilities:


The Research Fellow will contribute to I4CE’s research activities in the field of development finance and support the implementation the Initiative’s work programme. He/she will work under the supervision of the Team lead in charge of development finance (also Head of the Initiative).


1.Production of original research and contribution to public debates

The Research Fellow’s main activities will be to contribute to research and public debates on the role of public development banks in aligning international financial flows with Paris Agreement objectives. His/her work will cover a broad range of topics related to the integration of climate considerations into the investment decisions of financial institutions, including climate risk management, alignment with the Paris Agreement, and the impact of financial institutions’ actions on the transformation of real economy.


In relation to this area of work, the Research Fellow will be expected to:

  • Contribute to the identification of relevant research topics (identifying the main issues to be examined, analysing the inherent political agenda and possible actions to be taken to position I4CE on this theme, etc.);
  • Build convincing project proposals (participating in the search for partners, identifying potential funders, developing a draft proposal and budget);
  • Be responsible for one or several research projects (project management, literature review, conducting interviews, developing case studies, organising expert workshops, writing, integrating reviewers’ comments, supervising layout, supporting in communication and outreach to partners on research outcomes);
  • Support the information and analytical needs of team members and partners that may be related to other research topics or projects.


2. Participate in the implementation of Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions’ work programme:

The Research Fellow will work under the supervision of the Head of the Secretariat and in close collaboration with the current Secretariat Project Manager to contribute to the implementation of the Initiative’s work programme. These tasks may include but are not limited to:

  • Organisation and facilitation of technical exchanges between financial institutions: drafting of event concept notes, organisation of webinars, workshops and public events, monitoring of priority topics, contribution to case studies as appropriate.
  • Facilitation of exchanges between financial institutions: responding to members’ requests, participation in interviews.
  • Implementation of the communication strategy (including content production for newsletters and website updates).
  • Contribution to strategic discussions: participation in coordination group meetings (including the drafting of minutes), contribution to the elaboration of the annual work programme, and to biannual reports when needed.


3. Participation in I4CE’s outreach and day-to-day activities
In addition to the main tasks identified above, the Research Fellow’s specific tasks may include:

  • Contribution to increasing the impact of I4CE’s research programme: participating in the communication effort (social networks, websites, press relations), and contributing to engagement with I4CE’s network (attending working groups, external events…);
  • Contribution to I4CE’s day-to-day activities: supporting the integration of interns and other team members, active participation in team meetings and in other transversal activities and events.


Experience and competencies:

To fill this position, we are looking for an individual with a minimum of 5 years of prior research and/or project management experience and an MSc or PhD level of education related to climate change and/or sustainable development.


This position requires a strong knowledge of climate issues for the financial sector. Experience in a research centre or a financial institution working on climate-related considerations (alignment of financial operations, climate risk management, transition planning, etc.) and/or development finance is desired.


The candidate should be able to evolve in an international team, while integrating a broader team working mainly at the French level, and be available for occasional travel abroad for conferences, meetings, and events.


Perfect command of spoken and written English is essential, including to run meetings and conduct interviews with high-level experts. Knowledge of French is desired. Knowledge of another language such as Spanish or Portuguese is valued.


The precise skills and motivations expected are as follows:

1) A rigorous mindset that allows to problematise research questions, carry out thorough analysis and summarise results in a clear fashion, so that their impact can be maximised:

a.Good analytical and writing skills.
b.Ease and rigor in manipulating data from a variety of sources.
c.Ability to conceptualise and take a step back from the materials collected.
d.Good autonomy and an inquisitive mind to get to the bottom of issues.


2)High motivation to work with financial actors for the implementation of the low-carbon and resilient transition.


3) Excellent project management and networking skills:

e. Ability to develop funding requests and partnership proposals with international organisations and donors.
f. Ability to work in a team while being proactive and autonomous on assigned tasks.
g. Ability to develop, implement, and adapt a work programme according to the international agenda.
h. Appetite and ability to organise technical and high-level events in person and remotely.


The job offer is open to people with disabilities.


Additional information:

I4CE offices are currently located in Paris in the 6th district. Candidates with exceptional profiles not based in Paris may be considered.


Start date: If possible, by June 1, 2024 – flexible for the right candidate.

Remuneration: I4CE offers a competitive pay and benefits package in line with paygrades in the NGO and think tank community. Salary will be commensurate with level of experience and based on I4CE’s pay grades.

Contact:  Send CV and cover letter to Claire Eschalier, Team lead and Sarah Bendahou, Research Fellow 

A first round of review of applications will occur shortly after April 22nd, 2024. Applications will be accepted until the right candidate is found.


download the job description

Contacts I4CE Send CV and cover letter to
Programme director – Development finance Email
Research Fellow – Development finance Email
About I4CE

The institute for climate economics I4CE is a non-profit research organization that provides independent policy analysis on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

We promote climate policies that are effective, efficient and socially-fair. Our 40 experts engage with national and local governments, the European Union, international financial institutions, civil society organizations and the media. Our work covers three key transitions – energy, agriculture, forest – and adresses six economic challenges: investment, public financing, development finance, financial regulation, carbon pricing and carbon certification.  

I4CE is a registered non-profit organisation, founded by the French National Bank Caisse des Dépôts and the French Development Agency.

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