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Programme director – Development finance

Claire joined I4CE in 2022 to contribute to the expansion of I4CE’s impact-orientated research and dialogue with public financial institutions and support them with the mainstreaming of climate change into their activities. As such, she heads the Secretariat of the “Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions” Initiative and contributes to the production of research and to public debates on the role of public financial institutions in the transition.


Before joining I4CE, Claire spent 7 years as a consultant, and later manager, for a consultancy firm specialised in the development of public infrastructure and services in developing countries. There, she managed projects for government institutions and international organizations on issues related to climate policies, the energy transition, innovative financing mechanisms for mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity. She notably engaged with multiple high-level stakeholders in public and private institutions, including international and local banks. Prior to this experience, Claire had spent 2 years at CDC climat –  where she initiated the institution’s activities in the field of international development – and 2 years at AFD in Indonesia – where she worked on infrastructure projects with climate co-benefits.


Claire is a graduate of ESCP Europe and of Paris Dauphine University in international economics.

Last contributions
  • 06/09/2024 Foreword of the week

    Gearing up the reform of the international climate finance architecture

    This autumn’s busy negotiation agendas, offer a window of opportunity to move the reform of the international climate finance architecture (IFA) up one level. This acceleration is urgent if we want to keep pace with the dramatic change in scale needed to finance the climate transition.  In 2023, developed countries announced that they had - for the first time since 2009 - achieved their USD 100bn/year climate finance target to support climate action in developing countries. Just two years later, this target is already obsolete, with needs for emerging and developing economies (excluding China) estimated at around USD 2.4 trillion per year by 2030. 
  • 02/07/2024 Climate Report

    Approaches to meeting the Paris Agreement goals: options for Public Development Banks

    Options for Public Development Banks. Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, several public development banks (PDBs) have responded with structured approaches to align their operations with the Agreement’s expectations (as described in Section 1). However, many PDBs, particularly those in emerging markets and developing economies, are yet to adopt an approach to align with the Paris Agreement (i.e., Paris alignment). As entities whose investment mandates are established by the Parties to the Paris Agreement (i.e., national governments), PDBs have specific obligations derived directly from these Parties’ commitments to act across all policy and regulatory frameworks under their jurisdictions, including for state-owned or state-mandated institutions and agencies. Accordingly, PDBs are expected to operate in a manner that supports the achievement of the Paris goals. More specifically, they are obligated to integrate their activities within the Agreement’s implementation mechanism by providing financial, technical, and capacity building support that is entirely consistent with national low-emission climate-resilient development pathways.
  • 19/04/2024 Foreword of the week

    World bank and IMF Spring Meetings: How can the reformed institutions play a leading role in funding the transition?

    Rethinking how development can be financed to take into account the rising challenges of our time is a fastidious task, especially when thousands of experts, decision makers and practitioners want to leave their print. The outline of the new international financial architecture is being debated again this week, with more questions open for discussion than consensus on the answers. 
  • 17/04/2024 Climate Brief

    Ambitious alignment with the Paris Agreement in public development banks

    At the Spring Meetings, during an event with senior climate representatives from Multilateral Development Banks, I4CE, E3G, Germanwatch and NewClimate Institute officially launched a common position paper on what ambitous Paris alignment means for public development banks. This paper summarises years of research on Paris alignment to shed light on best practice and hopefully support decision makers in taking and implementing credible climate commitments. 
  • 29/11/2023 Blog post

    Climate finance: multiplying the numbers will not solve the equation alone

    Much of the discussions at COP28 will focus on the 100 billion USD/year target decided at Copenhagen to support climate investments in the Global South, and on the new climate finance goal set to replace it. But, whilst keeping our eyes on the volumes laid on the table, we also need to look more into the impact of every dollar spent. Identifying and building on the value added of every actor in the economy is essential to avoid overlaps and maximise synergies. Three types of actors have a pivotal role to play in the paradigm shift: governments, public financial institutions and private financial institutions.
  • 08/09/2023 Foreword of the week

    Development finance: From resolutions to actionable solutions

    The reform for a new global financing pact - as it was ambitiously designated by the French President Emmanuel Macron - allows little time for rest, combining several agendas that collectively seek to rethink how the Global South can finance its low-emission development pathways, with support from the Global North. The sequence of international events that starts this week with the Finance in common Summit, the African climate summit, G20 and followed by World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund’s Annual Meetings will be key to see if the multiple resolutions to reshape development finance outlined during the first semester of 2023 were merely wishful thinking or if they can be seen as the first bricks of a new international financial architecture. 
  • 15/06/2023 Blog post

    Reforming development finance to enable the sustainable development transition

    This blog-post is conducted by [i4ce] and IDDRI. The international community recognizes that the global development finance architecture is no longer fit for purpose. The World Bank, the IMF, and other institutions of the broader development finance system are today asked to invest more in global goods (specifically to fight against climate change and to preserve biodiversity, but their internal structure and the paradigms on which they ground their decisions have not changed since they were created with development – poverty and macroeconomic stability notably – as their main mandate. In this context, it should be no surprise that the response of these international institutions remains inadequate in terms of volume, structure and accessibility. 
  • 03/03/2023 Foreword of the week

    World Bank’s reform: almost a new pilot onboard

    After the sudden resignation of David Malpass, the World Bank’s Trump-appointed President, mid-February, Washington surprised the world again last Thursday, with the nomination of Ajay Banga, long-time Mastercard CEO, as his potential successor. Not only was the timing very rapid, but the controversial profile of the nominee also generated some sense of puzzlement. His limited […]
  • 20/01/2023 Foreword of the week

    2023’s resolutions for a reform of development finance

    2022 ended up on a consensus that the global financial architecture is no longer “fit for purpose”. In other words, the financial ecosystem created post-war to support international development - at the centre of which are the IMF and the World Bank who were joined later by other international public financial institutions - wasn’t designed to address the multiplicity of challenges the world is facing today, foremost among which climate change. Time is running, and the good news is that 2023 is set up to be a busy year with key events setting the milestones for a reform of the international financial architecture, including a Paris Summit in June. The year will close at COP 28, where we will officially take stock of current achievements.
  • 21/10/2022 Foreword of the week

    Public development banks in the spotlight: What we should be looking out for

    The end of the year is always a busy period for the climate finance world, with international events multiplying to take stock of the latest achievements in the implementation of the Paris agreement and to identify the next – more ambitious – steps to be taken by the international community. Though the climax of these events is undoubtedly the COP (starting in two weeks in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt), with the New York Climate Week, and the World Bank and IMF’s international meetings behind us, and the Finance in Common summit coming to an end, we start sensing that some topics are already drawing a lot of attention.

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