
I4CE is now an Accredited Observer of the Green Climate Fund

23 September 2016 - Foreword of the week



The GCF observer status means that the I4CE team can now participate in GCF Board meetings, provide strategic advice on the design, development and implementation of the strategies, projects and activities to be financed by the Fund. As part of its responsibilities as an observer, I4CE looks forward to being able to provide input on matters under consideration by the GCF Board.

The Green Climate Fund is the designated governing instrument created by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and was established by 194 countries during the international climate change negotiations (COP 17) in Durban, South Africa. The Fund is designed to act as the operating entity of the Convention’s financial mechanism. It aims to support a paradigm shift in the global response to climate change by allocating financial resources to low-emission and climate-resilient projects in developing countries.

As part of its strategic mission to contribute to the public debate, I4CE is also an observer member to the UNFCCC. As such, I4CE teams and experts regularly attend UNFCCC Conference of the Parties and expert meetings. I4CE’s contribution to the discussions is made by responding to public consultations on different topics and by convening and participating in a number of side events and conferences associated to these events.

Accreditation Decision of the 21st of September:  GCF Decision B.BM-2016/1

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