Launch Event: Insights on progress to EU climate neutrality for the incoming EU cycle

Conferences Webinars - By : Clara CALIPEL / Ciarán HUMPHREYS

Update on European Union progress to climate neutrality: towards a more competitive and secure Europe



Date: 02 July

Time: 10:00-12:00 AM CEST

Format: Townhall Europe, Brussels & Online 

This year’s EU-wide progress report, the second of its kind by the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO), comes at a political juncture, being published shortly after the 2024 EU elections. While the composition of the EU’s legislative body will undoubtedly change, we expect that most representatives in the European Parliament will still agree on the necessity of the transition as envisioned in the Green Deal – not just for the sake of emission reductions, but also to guarantee Europe’s international competitiveness and its political autonomy. 


With our second progress report, we are not only providing an update of progress towards EU climate neutrality based on new data but are highlighting crucial areas of action for incoming EU policy-makers. ECNO’s analysis shows that the EU is moving in the right direction, but that the pace of progress is still too slow in several areas. Yet, the Fit for 55 package under the European Green Deal has boosted policies that address some of the crucial bottlenecks visible in past data. ECNO’s assessment serves as direct input to the next COM and EP work programme, in support of achieving the EU’s agreed targets.


At our launch event in Brussels, we has presented our newest findings and engage with relevant high-profile stakeholders from the European Parliament and the economy. We were hosted two thematic panels on topics that move the EU at the moment: industrial transformation and just transition for the people of the EU. 



10:00 – Opening and welcome: pointers for the next EU legislative cycle


  • Erica Hope, European Climate Foundation


10:10 – Presentation of ECNO findings: signs of progress in key transition areas


  • Eike Velten, ECNO Lead Author – Ecologic Institute
  • Markus Hagemann, ECNO Co-Author – NewClimate Institute
  • Clara Calipel, ECNO Co-Author – Institute for Climate Economics, I4CE


10:40 – Thematic exchange I – Industrial transformation: a climate neutral and competitive industrial base in Europe


11:20 – Thematic exchange II – Just transition: bringing citizens along on the journey to net zero


11:55 – Conclusions and outlook


  • Matthias Duwe, ECNO Coordinator – Ecologic Institute

02 Jul 2024

Launch Event: Insights on progress to EU climate neutrality for the incoming EU cycle

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