Launch of the first edition of the EU Climate Investment Deficit report
Conferences Webinars - By : Clara CALIPEL / Thomas PELLERIN-CARLIN (currently on leave)
The European Green Deal has been a top priority for the European Union. Since 2019, EU institutions set ambitious targets, adopted bold carbon pricing reforms, and passed hotly debated legislation.
The Green Deal’s success will be measured by its capacity to trigger structural changes in the EU economy, to deliver prosperity, resilience and social fairness while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In practice, this means millions of companies, local authorities and families investing to renovate buildings, acquire heat pumps, buy electric cars, and modernise transport and power networks.
Public and private investments are therefore vital to the successful implementation of the Green Deal. Yet, the EU still lacks a consistent tool for the yearly measurement of climate investments in the economy. This I4CE report estimates the real-economy annual investments needed to deliver the targets EU policy makers set in this mandate for the energy, buildings, and transport sectors. It then assesses the actual investments that occurred in those same sectors in the EU economy. From this, it derives an estimate of the deficit of climate investments in the EU economy.
Date : 21 february, 2024
Time: 9:30-11:30 AM (Paris time)
See slides of the conference
9h30 – Keynote on why climate investments matter, by Jean Pisani-Ferry, I4CE‘chair of the Board members
9h40 – Presentation of the Climate Investment Deficit report, by Clara Calipel & Thomas Pellerin-Carlin I4CE
10h10 – First panel: Think-tanks take on how to bridge the climate investment gap in the next mandate?
- Jeromin Zettelmeyer (Bruegel), Frauke Thies (Agora Energiewende)
10h40 – Second panel: views from policy makers
- Pascal Canfin (Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Environment Committee), Kurt Vandenberghe (European Commission), Carolin Nerlich (European Central Bank)
11h25 – Final word